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DES111 is a coding class that introduces and teaches Processing. For this project, I created a generative design that mimicked the forms of swimming koi fish. I wanted to develop a relaxing design to de-stress from the prolonging virtual format caused by COVID-19. However, instead of utilizing Craig Reynold's Boid system, I tried to replicate the artificial system by using sine waves to create the organic curving motions of the koi fish and the random() function to create a more natural movement pattern. 


Due to Processing becoming less supported in terms of accessibility on the web, I have readapted and modified some of the code into the p5.js language for greater accessibility to show here. I have also included the original Processing .zip file below. Both codes feature the same look and functions, most notably the relaxing music that can be toggled using the spacebar command and the mouse interactivity that can be performed through the clicking and dragging of the mouse.


Tools used: Processing, p5.js

Original Design in Processing: Download here

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